Played this right when you posted but I put off writing a review because I wanted to try the mobile version. The game is pretty fun and challenging, I'm gonna break down my thoughts:
First I wanna say it runs well on mobile(tried it on my shitty moto g1) and even tough I couldn't use more than one button simultaneously, I love the touch screen joystick, I've always found that default touch screen control from Pico8 awesome, but I wish we had that on different Flash engines that weren't all necessarily using that resolution with pixel art thing Pico8 has, and you kinda granted my wish. Makes me wanna dive into a game project just to expand the "KwingControls" library. I gotta try to mess around with the code assets sometime, actually got some narrative walksimulator-y ideas that I'd love to try to do.
Secondly, the desktop version was optimal and pretty fun, plus the weird shift aligning thing actually felt like an nice added challenge to me, I dunno I just imagined the character was limping or was dragging some weight so they had to adjust theirselves constantly. I remember seeing some first person maze games on NG that are basically well mapped 2d point and click games, but I dont remember seeing what it seems like an actual 3d enviroment with made (entirely?) in Flash. I'm just very intrigued by the techincal stuff behind it and wondering how much polish this 3D engine could reach but I'll just get on to my final point...
Lastly, the actual game, even though it seems pretty barebones, it plays well, its actually fun and challenging, an it atually pulls off a creepy ambiance pretty nicely. The specters and summoners look simple but they work for me, and the ambient music is a nice touch. I still wanna see things done here expanded further.
I'm glad I saw you linking this on a thread and reminded me of how much I liked it.
I hope you mess around with this 3D flash thing more!